Roulette Winning Method

Roulette and stroke methods in gambling

Roulette as we know

Roulette as we know is a game that borders the realms of probability, at any moment things can move either way and direction is unknown. This type of game requires control at the betting level in order for any advantage to be made. Stroke method requires using two bets in succession, used in either odds or evens on roulette numbers, it’s designed to reduce the impact of a losing scenario.

The odds and evens track in roulette gambling

Tracking is the intention of following numbers in a roulette system, it can be done simply when playing odds and evens because the numbers fall simply into either one of those divisions. The average track is around 2.5 bets, that means for every 2 and half spins of the roulette wheel the number will change from an odd to an even. The upper value is around four, that on the highest occasions at average, the odd to even ratio can be as great as four bets before changing, we now average to a 3.2 reversal.

We must be aware

We must be aware of the track and using it to our advantage, the best way of doing this is to draw a line on a piece of paper with odds on one side and evens on the other. Now in all your following bets, add whether the resultant is odds or evens, then you can begin your assumptions.

The evens stroke method

This can be achieved in odds stroke also, yet for this tutorial we will use evens for training purposes. Now here is the betting commitment, regardless of your results, if you choose a method you must stick to it. Therefore if you choose to observe the evens stroke, you never bet on the odds, here is why.

The method revolves around patience and balancing on fluctuation, this means that by switching between odds and evens, you’ll end up tilting and this variance will eventually unsettle your balance. So this is where your loyalty is rewarded, but control on your part is inevitably required.

You bet on even numbers only, whenever you win, you double the next bet, if you lose you halve the bet that follows, it really is as simple as that.

Now a settling period will begin to take place, this means that a slight variance will occur, you’ll win some lose some, but the winning amounts through doubling will eventually catch a return that pushes you into the quarter profit margin, and this is when you can leave, your work is done and then you are at profit.